I am holding in my hand my approved I-600 form, akin to a bar of gold.
The Department of Homeland Securty, through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), has just granted me "favorable determination concerning application for advance processing of orphan petition." I first submitted an I-600A when I started the adoption process in Nepal. The approval, good for three years, expired in June, so I FedEx'ed off another application, a check for $650, along with $80 to accompany new fingerprints, and as of today the United States government will allow me to bring "an orphan" home.
lAn orphan no more, Daniil, moy solnyshko, as soon as the Russian government grants their okay as well.
The requested paperwork will be on Judge #2's desk by July 16th. I would expect to hear word--either the issuance of a court date (hurray!) or request for more documentation (boo, hiss!)--by the first of August, if not sooner.
There's a spot at my new dining room table for Daniil's first visit. We all look forward to the day when he clamors up on the big upholstered chairs for a bite of lunch, gets introduced to the train set in Joey's room, and has his little hand held as we lead him to explore the garden. Or will he arrive in the fall, and come to our house and jump in the leaf pile, or will it be Christmastime, where he will delight in the lights on the tree and open a little package? It is all so exciting now that it is only a matter of "when".