Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Playground

Thank heaven for playgrounds where Daniil can burn off some energy. We discovered a great one today in West Dennis that has some kind of soft "flooring" underneath a wealth of well-designed-for-kids' play structures. My boy was outright gleeful! Danya ran and ran and climbed and climbed and must've slid down the slide 20 times. His little cheeks were bright red from all the physical exertion--and exuberance.
My friends Beryl and Haakon were visiting from Cambridge. Beryl astutely pointed out that Daniil is fearless, but not reckless. He tackled all sorts of challenges, climbing up precarious rungs, for instance, but always paused, before each next step, to consider whether or not he had what it took to continue. He gauged right each time. What to call this? Wise boldness? Prudent daring? I will do my best to make these two qualities conscious to him so he can cultivate, draw upon and strike this winning balance throughout his life.

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