This is the first day Daniil has shown interest in drawing. He spontaneously picked up chalk I've left in a little pail on the back steps and drew self-proclaimed "samalyote" after "samalyote": airplanes in five different colors. I can see them, can you? Single lines, followed by two slash marks. Lacking even a teaspoon of drawing ability or interest, I never would have thought of this.
I'm fascinated to discover my son's talents and inclinations and, as he's adopted, I make no assumptions that they will mirror mine through some kind of genetic transference. So far Daniil is groovin' on music--he plays harmonica, while I play blues riffs on the piano. He loves whacking the wiffle ball off the "T" stand and appears to be ambidextrous. And all things "truck" trumps all else.
Wait until he sees our new truck of friday! Woohoo!