I continue on the theme of finding me/finding peace in the midst of single motherhood. I checked out a book for Daniil from the library titled
The Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood and sweetly illustrated by Renata Liwska. So many lines of this book take me to that meditative place Karen Langley wrote of (blog entry 1/3/11, Help When You Need It). The book leads off: "There are many kinds of quiet:" A single line of text then appears on each page under a whimsical drawing. Here are some of the lines that "take me there," to a clear, quiet place. (Since you don't have the benefit of an actual book in your hands and the chance to turn actual pages, I suggest that you try pausing for 5 seconds or more after each line to allow it to sink in and have its way with you.)

There are many kinds of quiet:
First one awake quiet
Don't scare the robin quiet
Coloring in the lines quiet
Hide-and-seek quiet
Last one to get picked up from school quiet
Swimming underwater quiet
Pretending you're invisible quiet
Lollipop quiet
Right before you yell "surprise!" quiet
Making a wish quiet
Best friends don't need to talk quiet
* Right before the concert starts quiet
First snowfall quiet
Car ride at night quiet
Tucking in teddy quiet
Bedtime kiss quiet
Sound asleep quiet
*my favorite
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